


no longer as spicy as previously claimed

About me

I am the peppergeist and this is my personal website. I studied applied mathematics at Texas A&M University with a specialization in computer science and encryption/decryption.


I occasionally blog, usually about programming or game design.

Recent posts:



My artwork is linked on this page in full resolution. Many are available as merchandise on my Redbubble storefront.

Personal projects

This is my index page for all my projects and personal work. Most of these projects are software I have written in my spare time.


I studied mathematics in college. This page has a brief overview of some of the more interesting classes I took along with some sample work I did for the courses.


I enjoy playing video games to relax, roguelikes especially. Roguelikes typically require a lot of knowledge about internal mechanics and strategy in order to beat them. Because of this, I have compiled all my useful knowledge on the various roguelikes I have played into spoiler pages that players might find useful.

Pseudomonarchia Dæmonum

The Pseudomonarchia Dæmonum was written by Johann Weyer in the late 1500s, intended to be a rough manual for people interested in demonology. Specifically, it was a valuable resource for verifying claims made by people possessed by certain demons, as the book detailed the methods by which the demons could be summoned and utilized. I have transcribed the book into webpage format, with the original Latin text alongside an Old English translation.


These are the places that you can find me on the web, so you know where to avoid in the future.