Sample Game Design Doc


LaTeX sample template file
PDF sample output file


A game design document is one of the most important components of developing a video game. It contains a summary of all the elements of the game, including the mechanics, the story, the scope, etc. Creating a design document helps one completely organize their thoughts and ideas prior to implementation, which prevents having to make major design changes down the road and discarding previous development efforts.

Even though the design document is meant to guide the development process through the proposed design of the game, it is not meant to railroad it or restrict it. The design document is a living document, meaning that modifications are expected and encouraged during the development process.

Additionally, the presence of a design document is an absolute requirement for any professional publisher. It demonstrates preparedness and a bare minimum amount of "paperwork" required to specify what the project will deliver on. A good design document can turn a good pitch into a great one.

A typical design document will have various sections detailing the story, characters, level design, mechanics, and target audience of the game. The amount of detail which belongs in the document is up to the writer, but it is safer to keep essential aspects of the game strictly documented (like mechanics), and more nebulous details general.


This section details a breakdown of a sample game design document. While it specifies subsections and more detailed points of the document, only the major sections are necessary.



Describes the genre of the game.

Core gameplay

Defines the core gameplay loop, possibly highlights crucial components which make up the appeal of this specific game.


Defines the scope of the game, in terms of length, difficulty, and overall amount of content.


Describes possible influences and inspirations for this particular game.



Briefly outlines the plot with key points.


Lists and describes the setting(s) of the game, either real or fantasy.


Describes the central conflict in the story.


Major characters

Lists the major characters, including the one(s) played by the player, if they exist.

Minor characters

Lists the minor or other supporting characters.



Defines specific core mechanics of the game.


Enumerates the objectives of the game and organization thereof.


Lays out the progression of experience for the player and difficulty.

World and levels

Level makeup

Gives a high-level overview of the structure and organization of maps or levels within the game.

Design paradigm

Lays out concepts behind the world design and desired objectives of the level design within the game.


Target metrics

Specifies which resolutions to support, rendering methods, shaders, etc.


Lists colors used in the game and on resources.

Concept art

Lists important reference art for design, usually replicated in the Art Bible.


Target metrics

Specifies audio design, instrumentation, and sometimes sample tracks.


Lays out target ambience quality which the audio is trying to achieve.

User interface

Control scheme

Defines the basic inputs required to interface with the game.


Defines concepts for menus, selection screens, etc.
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