
This is a spoiler page for Spelunky.


Since nearly all mechanics of this game are already well-documented in the wiki and other various places, this page is primarily focused on overall strategy and useful tips.


Getting to Yama

  1. In the Mines, you must find the Key.
  2. A locked chest will be preset on the same level as the Key. Bring the Key to the chest to get the Udjat Eye. The Udjat Eye is not strictly necessary, but without it you must find the Black Market with no audio cues, which can be very difficult.
  3. In the Jungle, there is a stage with the entrance to the Black Market hidden behind some terrain. Sometimes the sides of the entrance are visible adjacent to it, if there is no terrain covering it. The Udjat Eye will begin to blink and make a noise when you get closer to the entrance. The entrance is wherever the Eye blinks the fastest.
  4. Enter the Black Market.
  5. In the Black Market, on the far right of the map, there is a specialty shop which only sells the Ankh, for $50,000. You must either purchase it or steal it.
  6. In the Ice Caves, there is a level with a large Moai head statue on it. You must die on this level, and the Ankh will respawn you inside of the head. After respawning, the Hedjet will drop from above the spelunker onto them to collect. Make sure you wait before going through the exit for the Hedjet to drop, otherwise you will not be able to access the City of Gold.
  7. In the Temple, you must kill Anubis and take his Sceptre.
  8. In the Temple, there is a level with a golden door on it. It unlocks by standing in front of it while holding the Sceptre, and if you have the Hedjet obtained as well. After it unlocks, you can enter it to get to the City of Gold.
  9. In the City of Gold, in the center of the map, the Book of the Dead sits on a dais. Take it and exit the level. Beware, Anubis will come back and attack you a second time.
  10. In the fight with Olmec, observe the Book of the Dead. Wherever it gnashes the fastest is where you must have Olmec land in the lava below. There will be a door right above the lava, you must stand on Olmec's head as he is sinking into the lava to enter it.
  11. Fight your way through Hell Temple to reach Yama. Consider obtaining Vlad's Amulet in the tower to become fireproof to make the final battle less dangerous.


There are many items in Spelunky, and they all fall under three specific categories: I have listed all the items below divided into my own three categories: very useful items, useful items, and not-so-useful items. Obtaining a number of "very useful items" is generally required to beat the game at all, while having "useful" items certainly makes it easier. "Not-so-useful" items can be ignored altogether or even detrimental when picked up. To view my full writeup on item viability in Spelunky, click here.
Very useful items
Name How to find Usage
Rope pile Crates, shops Increases vertical mobility and creates a safe place to hang in the air
Bomb bag Crates, shops Necessary for dealing damage and killing bosses
Bomb box Crates, shops Necessary for dealing damage and killing bosses
Climbing gloves Crates, shops Increases mobility, can prevent falling to death in Ice Caves
Shotgun Crates, held by shopkeepers Deals great damage and is the most versatile gun in the game
Cape Crates, shops, death drop from vampires Prevents fall damage and increases mobility
Jetpack Crates, shops Prevents fall damage and greatly increases mobility
Kapala Guaranteed second sacrifice gift from Kali Creates potential for great vitality gain from collecting blood
Udjat eye Within the big chest Required for reaching Hell
Ankh Guaranteed in Black Market shop Grants an extra life, or is required for reaching Hell
Hedjet Acquired by dying on the level with the Moai head while holding the Ankh Required for reaching Hell
Scepter Death drop from Anubis Required for reaching Hell, acts as an extremely dangerous weapon as well
Book of the dead Guaranteed in the City of Gold Required for reaching Hell
Crate All levels Contains other various items
Chest All levels Contains treasure which can be used for purchasing items
Big chest Random level in The Mines Contains the Udjat eye, necessary for reaching Hell
Key Random level in The Mines Opens the big chest
Corpse All levels, after killing an enemy that drops a corpse Can be sacrificed to Kali in order to obtain the Kapala
Mystery box Shops Can contain pretty much anything
Useful items
Name How to find Usage
Pitcher's mitt Crates, shops Increases throwing range and accuracy, useful for bombs
Spring shoes Crates, shops, death drop from Giant Frog Increases jump height, useful for vertical mobility
Spike shoes Crates, shops Increases jump damage, useful if you don't have a weapon
Paste Crates, shops, death drop from Giant Spider Makes bombs sticky, useful for sticking to tough enemies
Mattock Crates, shops, at the bottom of snake pits Can be used to tunnel through the map, breaks after some time
Freeze ray Crates, shops, death drop from Mammoth Can be used to instantly kill shopkeepers and tough enemies
Plasma cannon Mothership, extremely rare drop from crates Fires powerful explosive shots, has a lot of knockback
Royal jelly Death drop from Queen Bee Increases health by 4
Idol All levels, located in various traps Can be brought to a shopkeeper or the level end for money
Vlad's cape Death drop from Vlad Acts as a standard cape and grants a double jump
Vlad's amulet Embedded in walls in Vlad's tower Grants fire/lava immunity
Treasure All levels Can be used to purchase useful items, increases score
Crystal skull In Restless Dead levels of The Jungle Can be brough to a shopkeeper or the level end for money
Rock All levels Can be used to slightly damage and stun enemies
Pot All levels Can be used to slightly damage and stun enemies, may contain money or possibly an enemy
Torch Dark levels, sometimes held by enemies Can be used to slightly damage and stun enemies and increase visibility
Arrow Fired from arrow traps Can be used to damage enemies when thrown
Skull All levels Can be used to slightly damage and stun enemies, breaks after thrown
Not-so-useful items
Name How to find Usage
Spectacles Crates, shops Reveals treasure in walls, slightly increases visibility in dark areas. Completely superceded by functionality of Udjat eye
Boomerang Crates, shops, held by Tiki Men Can be thrown to damage and stun enemies, comes back, but prevents picking up other items
Compass Crates, shops Shows direction to level exit, which is usually not that hard to find in the first place
Machete Crates, shops Deals slightly more damage than the whip, but prevents picking up other items
Crysknife In a pool of acid in The Worm Lethal for dealing damage, but not usually worth going to The Worm level to get
Web gun Crates, shops Fires balls of web that deal no damage, almost completely useless
Camera Crates, shops Stuns enemies for an extremely short time and kills undead
Teleporter Crates, shops Teleports the player, but can be lethal if used incorrectly. Generally only useful during speedruns
Parachute Crates, shops Prevents fall damage once
Shield The Castle, death drop from the Black Knight Can be used to smush enemies and items, but usually backfires and gets you killed
Piranha skeleton Death drop from piranha Deals no damage when thrown, generally useless
Mattock head Drops when mattock is broken Can be thrown to damage enemies and is particularly heavy
Ball and chain Spawned on the player when Kali punishes them Vastly degrades mobility, can be used to destroy the level
Eggplant Gift from Kali after sacrificing a mystery box Extremely delicate but can instantly kill Yama when thrown at his head

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