Vepar, alias Separ, Dux magnus & fortis: Similis syreni: Ductor est
aquarum & navium armis onustarum. Ut mare jussu magistri turgidum
navibusque plenum appareat, efficit: contra inimicos exorcistæ per dies
tres vulneribus putrescentibus vermesque producentibus homines inficit,
à quibus tamen negotio absoluto sanantur omnes. Imperat legionibus
Vepar, alias Separ, a great duke and a strong, he is like a mermaid, he
is the guide of the waters, and of ships laden with armour; he bringeth
to passe (at the commandement of his master) that the sea shalbe rough
and stormie, and shall appeare full of shippes; he killeth men in three
daies, with putrifieng their wounds, and producing maggots into them;
howbeit, they maie be all healed with diligence, he ruleth nine and
twentie legions.