Pucel Dux magnus & fortis, apparet in specie angelica, sed obscura
valde: loquitur de occultis: docet Geometriam & omnes artes
liberales: sonitus facit ingentes, & sonare aquas ubi non sunt,
easdem & calefacit & harum balnea recuperandæ sanitati
servientia certis temporibus, distemperat jussu exorcistæ. Fuit de
ordine Potestatum, habetque in sua potestate legiones quadragintaocto.
Procell is a great and a strong duke, appearing in the shape of an
angell, but speaketh verie darklie of things hidden, he teacheth
geometrie and all the liberall arts, he maketh great noises, and causeth
the waters to rore, where are none, he warmeth waters, and distempereth
bathes at certeine times, as the exorcist appointeth him, he was of the
order of potestats, and hath fourtie eight legions under his power.