
Furfur Comes est magnus, apparens ut cervus cauda flammea. In omnibus mentitur, nisi in triangulum intro ducatur. Jussus angelicam assumit imaginem. Rauca loquitur voce: amorem inter virum & mulierem libenter conciliat: novit & concitare fulgura, coruscationes & tonitrua in iis partibus ubi jussum fuerit. De occultis & divinis rebus bene respondet. Imperat legionibus vigintisex.

Furfur is a great earle, appearing as an hart, with a firie taile, he lieth in everie thing, except he be brought up within a triangle; being bidden, he taketh angelicall forme, he speaketh with a hoarse voice, and willinglie maketh love betweene man and wife [or simply "woman"]; he raiseth thunders and lightnings, and blasts. Where he is commanded, he answereth well, both of secret and also of divine things, and hath rule and dominion over six and twentie legions.

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