
Caym magnus Præses, formam assumens merulæ: at quum hominem induit, respondet in favilla ardente, ferens in manu glagium [sic gladium] acutissimum. Præ cæteris sapienter argumentari facit: Tribuit intellectum omnium volatilium, mugitus boum, latratus canum, & sonitus aquarum: de futuris optime respondet. Fuit ex ordine Angelorum. Præsidet legionibus triginta.

Caim [Caym] is a great president, taking the forme of a thrush [blackbird], but when he putteth on man's shape, he answereth in burning ashes, carrieng in his hand a most sharpe swoord, he maketh the best disputers, he giveth men the understanding of all birds, of the lowing of bullocks, and barking of dogs, and also of the sound and noise of waters, he answereth best of things to come, he was of the order of angels, and ruleth thirtie legions of divels.

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