
Bifrons, monstri similitudine conspicitur. Ubi humanam assumit imaginem, reddit hominem in Astrologia mirabilem, planetarum mansiones absolute docens, idem præstat in Geometria, & mensuris aliis. Vires herbarum, lapidum pretiosorum & lignorum intelligit. Corpora mortuorum de loco ad locum transmutat: Candelas super defunctorum sepulchra inflammare videtur. Huic subjacent vinginti sex legiones.

Bifrons is seene in the similitude of a monster, when he taketh the image of a man, he maketh one woonderfull cunning in astrologie, absolutelie declaring the mansions of the planets, he dooth the like in geometrie, and other admesurements, he perfectlie understandeth the strength and vertue of hearbs, pretious stones, and woods, he changeth dead bodies from place to place, he seemeth to light candles upon the sepulchres of the dead, and hath under him six and twentie legions.

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