
Berith Dux magnus & terribilis: tribus nuncupatur nominibus, à quibusdam Beal, à Judæis Berith, à necromanticis Bolfri. Prodit ut miles ruber cum vestitu rubro, & equo ejusdem coloris coronaque ornatus. Vere de præsentibus, præteritis & futuris respondet. Virtute divina per annulum magicæ artis ad horam scilicet cogitur. Mendax etiam est. In aurum cuncta metallorum genera mutat. Dignitatibus ornat easdemque confirmat: Claram subtilemque edit vocem. Viginti sex legiones huic subsunt.

Berith is a great and a terrible duke, and hath three names. Of some he is called Beall; of the Jewes Berithi [Berith]; of Nigromancers Bolfry [Bolfri]: he commeth foorth as a red souldier, with red clothing, and upon a horsse of that colour, and a crowne on his head. He answereth trulie of things present, past, and to come. He is compelled at a certeine houre, through divine vertue, by a ring of art magicke. He is also a lier, he turneth all mettals into gold, he adorneth a man with dignities, and confirmeth them, he speaketh with a cleare and a subtill voice, and six and twentie legions are under him.

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