
This is the project page for zigzag. To view the repository on GitHub, click here.


This is an entirely useless command-line program which will zigzagify any text fed into it. That is, any input will just be printed into the terminal in a zigzag pattern. Due to the format of terminal output usually being monospaced, zigzag output is almost always entirely unreadable.


To install, download it from the GitHub repository and run make install. To uninstall, run make uninstall.

To zigzag text, run zigzag [input]. You can also pipe input to zigzag, like this: fortune | zigzag. Additionally, you can provide the following options to the program:

B   L   T   T   N   G   F   E   T   !
 E O D   H   E H O O Y O   H   U U E
  H   !   E   C   L     T   F   R  

home :: projects :: zigzag