
This is the project page for shakespeare-quote. To view the repository on GitHub, click here .


Inspired by the Unix commandline executable fortune, shakespeare-quote is a lightweight program to print a randomly selected quote from one of Shakespeare's works when invoked. The user can specify which specific work to select a quote from, or a pre-defined group of works, such as only tragedies or histories. All sonnets are included as well, and may be selected in place of a quotation.

I originally wrote this program because I thought it would be a nice improvement to my terminal if I saw a quip from the bard every time I opened it up. Maybe you will too. Give it a try!


To install, download it from the GitHub repository and run make install. To uninstall, run make uninstall.

To print a random quote, just run shakespeare-quote in the terminal. Additionally, you can provide options to the programto influence the output or give additional information about the runtime. Available options:

The following are the available groups to use with the --group flag:

home :: projects :: shakespeare-quote