Number Tumbler

This is the project page for Number Tumbler. Download it today and tumble away.


A new version of Number Tumbler is available - The Cursed Edition! This is an actual version of Number Tumbler written in C, using the Curses library for terminal support. The GitHub repo for it is located here for download. Since the curses library is not available on Windows, the program only runs on Unix-based systems at the moment. A pdcurses implementation is planned sometime in the future to make it available to Windows users.


Number Tumbler is a small digital version of the game Mastermind , written for a class in computer architecture. It is written in a nearly-featureless language called Jack , for the nand2tetris computer systems course. In order to play it, you must download the nand2tetris software suite and compile it using the dedicated Jack compiler. The relevant GitHub repo is located here for download.


Number Tumbler features a variety of difficulty levels and a simple scoring system. The player selects the difficulty at the start of the game and is given ten guesses to discover the four-digit code. When the player enters a guess, the computer will respond by informing the player how many correct digits they guessed in the correct location, how many correct digits they guess in an incorrect location, and how many incorrect digits they guessed. Bonus points are award for unused guesses at the end of the game.

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